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Past Q&A Zoom Calls for Currency and Bonds
Regular and Asia Pacific Recorded Zoom calls (Audio Only)
Scroll to the bottom for the Spiritual Talk voice recordings. (Once a week on Sunday)
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Aug 14th-2024 Aug 17th-2024 Aug 17th-2024 Aug 21st-2024 Aug 24th-2024 Aug 24th-2024 Aug 28th-2024 Aug 31st-2024 Aug 31st-2024
Linked Linked Call Cancelled Linked Linked Linked New Item New Item New Item
July 24th-2024 July 27th-2024 July 27th-2024 July 31st-2024 Aug 3rd-2024 Aug 3rd-2024 Aug 7th-2024 Aug 10th-2024 Aug 10th-2024
Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked
July 3rd-2024 July 6th-2024 July 6th-2024 July 10th-2024 July 13th-2024 July 13th-2024 July 17th-2024 July 20th-2024 July 20th-2024
Linked-Part2 Linked Not Available Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked
June 12th-2024 June 15th-2024 June 15th-2024 June 19th-2024 June 22nd-2024 June 22nd-2024 June 26th-2024 June 29th-2024 June 29th-2024
Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked
May 22nd-2024 May 25th-2024 May 25th-2024 May 29th-2024 June 1st-2024 June 1st-2024 June 5th-20244 June 8th-2024 June 8th-2024
Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Not Available Linked-Start-1:30 Linked Not Available
May 1st-2024 May 4th-2024 May 4th-2024 May 8th-2024 May 11th-2024 May 11th-2024 May 15th-2024 May 18th-2024 May 18th-2024
Not Linked Linked Not Available Linked-Start-1:35 Broken Link-B Linked Linked Linked Linked
Apr. 10-2024 Apr. 13-2024 Apr. 13-2024 Apr. 17-2024 Apr. 20-2024 Apr. 20-2024 Apr. 24-2024 Apr. 27-2024 Apr. 27-2024
Linked Not Linked Not Available Linked Linked Not Linked Not Linked Not Linked Not Available
Mar. 20-2024 Mar. 23-2024 Mar. 23-2024 Mar. 27-2024 Mar. 30-2024 Mar. 30-2024 Apr. 3-2024 Apr. 6-2024 Apr. 6-2024 Apr. 5-2024
Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Not Available Patti-Lobstr-Q&A
Feb. 28-2024 Mar. 2-2024 Mar. 2-2024 Mar. 6-2024 Mar. 9-2024 Mar. 9-2024 Mar. 13-2024 Mar. 16-2024 Mar. 16-2024
Linked Linked Linked Linked New Item Linked Linked Linked Not Available
Feb. 7-2024 Feb. 10-2024 Feb. 10-2024 Feb. 14-2024 Feb. 17-2024 Feb. 17-2024 Feb. 21-2024 Feb. 24-2024 Feb. 24-2024
Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Linked
Jan. 17-2024 Jan. 20-2024 Jan. 20-2024 Jan. 24-2024 Jan. 27-2024 Jan. 27-2024 Jan. 31-2024 Feb. 3-2024 Feb. 3-2024
Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked
Dec.27-2023 Dec.30-2023 Dec.30-2023 Jan. 3-2024 Jan. 6-2024 Jan. 6-2024 Jan. 10-2024 Jan. 13-2024 Jan. 13-2024
Linked Linked Not Available Linked Linked Linked Linked Linked Not Available
Dec. 6-2023 Dec. 9-2023 Dec. 9-2023 Dec. 13-2023 Dec. 16-2023 Dec. 16-2023 Dec. 20-2023 Dec. 23-2023 Dec.23-2023
linked linked Not Available linked Not yet linked Not Available linked linked Not Available
Nov. 15-2023 Nov. 18-2023 Nov. 18-2023 Nov. 22-2023 Nov. 25-2023 Nov. 25-2023 Nov. 29-2023 Dec. 2-2023 Dec. 2-2023
linked Not Available Not Available linked linked Not Available linked linked Not Available
Oct.25-2023 Oct.28-2023 Oct.28-2023 Nov. 1-2023 Nov. 4-2023 Nov. 4-2023 Nov. 8-2023 Nov. 11-2023 Nov. 11-2023
linked linked Not Available linked linked Not Available Not Available linked Not Available
Oct. 4-2023 Oct. 7-2023 Oct. 7-2023 Oct. 11-2023 Oct. 14-2023 Oct. 14-2023 Oct. 18-2023 Oct. 21-2023 Oct.21-2023
linked linked New Item linked linked Not available linked linked Not available
Sept. 13-2023 Sept. 16-2023 Sept. 16-2023 Sept. 20-2023 Sept. 23-2023 Sept. 23-2023 Sept. 27-2023 Sept. 30-2023 Sept. 30-2023
RVupdated, Birds RVupdate 3d-5D New Item Spiders, RVupdateRVupdate, Bricks New Item RVupdate Iraq Story RVupdate New Item
Proof of funds4X DocumentsTrusts New Item Sept. 23rd. family Debt Clock, 4X New Item Gesara Ascension Gurus EBS Oct 1 New Item
FlyingCars EES WBG Corporate New Item World Debt-NDA Exchanges,HawaiiNew Item Flags Debt Clock Banks TrumpEGONew Item
Exchanges Birds Jonathan, Q&A New Item Charities Process CuresMilitaryDoc New Item Elders Dreams 5G Anger Projects New Item
Aug. 23-2023 Aug. 26-2023 Aug. 26-2023 Aug. 30-2023 Sept. 2-2023 Sept. 2-2023 Sept.6-2023 Sept. 9-2023 Sept. 9-2023
New Item New Item New Item New Item Trafficking,Banks New Item RVupdate 3d-BS RVupdate, 9/11 New Item
New Item New Item New Item New Item DinarRecaps,CabalNew Item Bots,Banks,Storm Natural Law Q&ANew Item
New Item New Item New Item New Item HawaiiPilotsZoom New Item Projects,nda,Party UCC Law Court New Item
New Item New Item New Item New Item Food CarsVaccine New Item ProjectMgr,Trusts WBG Posts New Item
Aug. 2-2023 Aug. 5-2023 Aug.5-2023 Aug. 9-2023 Aug. 12-2023 Aug. 12-2023 Aug. 16-2023 Aug. 19-2023 Aug. 19-2023
Parts 2 New Item New Item Part 2 New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item
New Item New Item New Item Part 3 New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item
New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item
New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item New Item
July 12-2023 July 15-2023 July 15-2023 July 19-2023 July 22-2023 July 22-2023 July 26-2023 July 29-2023 July 29-2023
RVupdate-Project RVupdate-Projects Peoples Bubble RVupdate, Sky RVupdateWakeup New Item RVupdate,Lobstr RVupdate,ShotgunNew Item
Scammers144,000Trump-HeightGunsCovid19-Masks Banks, Currency Program,Zombies New Item Aqua,ScamAsset Blackout, NDA New Item
CropCircleMoney History-Movie-911Hospital Doctor Nature, Trusts Doctors, Drugs New Item Appointment,Salt Lobstr, Projects New Item
ProjectsGroundingRV/GCR-Lobstr Baseball- Family MovieLobstr 3d5d Trump,Israel,KidsNew Item Family,WaterSongsParty, Med-beds New Item
June 21-2023 June 24-2023 June 24-2023 June 28-2023 July 1-2023 July 1-2023 July 5-2023 July 8-2023 July 8-2023
RVupdate, UFO's RVupdate Military Not available RVupdate-Masks RVupdate, RealityNot available RVupdate, VPN Sound Of Freedom Sound of Freedom
Currencies, Zim Lobstr Assets GCR Not available Libor Sofr-Pets KingDavid Court Not available Biden, Telegram Currency-Banks Kids Disney
GiftLetter,ProjectsWagnerGroupMask Not available Brunson-DominoCagesMovie Parks Not available Flag 1/2 mast XRP-XLM-Masks Orphanages
Appointment, 50+ Distilled WaterJab Not available Dinar-401k Fires Projects-Hospitals Not available TV-MSM-5D Matrix-Info-Help RVupdate Budget
May 31-2023 June 3-2023 June 3-2023 June 7-2023 June 10-2023 June 10-2023 June 14-2023 June 17-2023 June 17-2023
Electronics, VPN RVupdate, Power Not available Fires UFO's Pope Electro-Culture WorkvVacation NDA, Good Info BrokenSealsFood Darkness, Fires
GesaraSmartMeterDarknessCollectiv Not available 17Cities Gas Zim Teir Levels, Iraq Projects Shuman TrumpTechnology 50+Companies Martial Law, D3
Chakra Healing Luna Rant, Truth Not available Agro Checks Lists Music Hz, Banks Forest fires, RV Projects, Dinar SolarFlairs Hemp Animals, Food
RV Process Fear Distilled Water5D Not available BasketsReplicatorsSoulgroupBinder 3d-5D time DatesGiftingletterDipingInternet, Zim T Movies, Replicators
May 10-2023 May 13-2023 May 13-2023 May 17-2023 May 20-2023 May 20-2023 May. 24-2023 May. 27-2023 May. 27-2023
RVupdate, Trump FAA, Masks, Pain RVprocess, Covid Part 2 Link KingDavid,Trump ET-Disclosures,xrp Shadow Work
Upcoming Dates Oldinfo, List,Ears Stockmarket, food RVupdate, Trusts TuckerC. Bricks Banks,Trump,VPN 3d to 5D, Triggers
Cryptos, Letters Shotgun, Dates Invest, Babies Children, Law Timelines, Loosh RV Process, NDA Horses, Learning
Military, Fear, TV ET's,MonoGold Silver, Fear Money Religion, EBS Brazil, Prisons Bolivar, 800's Law Of Attractlion
Apr. 19-2023 Apr. 22-2023 Apr. 22-2023 Apr. 26-2023 Apr. 29-2023 Apr. 29-2023 May. 3-2023 May. 6-2023 May. 6-2023
RVupdate, Lobstr Update,Ascension RV ProcessTrumpRVupdate, Flag RVupdate, Banks ET-Technologies RVupdate, Texas Accidents, Organs Cognitive dissonance
NoMoneyBizCard GiftingLetter,MailBonds+Currency Flat/Hollow Earth Trafficking, Water Distilled Water Work-HoursGesaraRoyals Whitehats Money Exchange
RVprocess Project Documentaries Hang List, Cabal Obsolescence, ET 2TimelinesQphoneReader Articles I AM Teachings Generating money Passion Heart work
BioScanQFS,EGOBirthCertificate ET Technologies Chakra, Religion Phases+BizCards Miracles, Banks RedSea, Freedom Ascension CME Clones Stockmarket
Mar. 29-2023 Apr. 1-2023 Apr. 1-2023 Apr. 5-2023 Apr. 8-2023 Apr. 8-2023 Apr. 12-2023 Apr. 15-2023 Apr. 15-2023
Scotia, Bank,QFS Tornadoes, Banks WBG History Trump, Puzzle Scammers, Iraq RVupdate, Trump RVupdate, Biden RVupdateCurrencyRVupdate,Silver
WorkingFromHeart Letter Of credit ET Technology Currency, Bonds Vibration, Pope Phase Documents Elvis, 2 Timelines Gesara,GCR,-48 Lobstr, Gifts
ShadowWork MIB QFSaccount AuraMed-Beds,Disease Phases1-5Biz card Meditation, WBG St.Germain,Banks StockMarket,SilvrBlackout, Dumbs Timelines, Spirit
Body Pain Detox Spiritual Growth Education, Skills James,CreditLoan Shadow Work Distilled Water Pedo,Twitter,Flu MeditationNewBodDeath, NDA's
Mar. 8-2023 Mar. 11-2023 Mar. 11-2023 Mar. 15-2023 Mar. 18-2023 Mar. 18-2023 Mar. 22-2023 Mar. 25-2023 Mar. 25-2023
Fox News,Satanic RVupdates,Banks RV UPdate WealthMgt.Trusts Trump,PopeArest RVupdate Energy Manifestation RVupdate, Amish New Item
Homeless,BlackoutPIsymbolDateNPCStockmarket HelpingOthers,InfoExecute,Courts SolarFlair,Qigong RVProcessMoviesPersonal Security New Item
Glasenbury, NYC Water,HydrogenPr Energy, OBE Resources+Food Homeless,Drugs /RedemptionCentr Bond&Currency RV Rooms,100T New Item
Galactics,Trials Process, ZimPhotoET's,Tech,3d-5d Banks,StoreClose LynettZang,Metal Intention, Water Acct sweeping WBGparty Death New Item
Feb. 15-2023 Feb. 18-2023 Feb. 18-2023 Feb. 22-2023 Feb. 25-2023 Feb. 25-2023 Mar. 1-2023 Mar. 4-2023 Mar. 4-2023
RVupdate, Trusts RV Update, Water Asia Pacific Call R.E.Mineral,PutinBigNotes,Weather Asia Pacific Call RV-Update Reset Other Groups The Matrix, Crypto's
Banks, RV/GCR SolarFlairs,QigongRegular Questions Currency&Bonds Trafficking,Cement Not Avalable Trusts, Projects Gift Letters, SKR Jab, Ivermectin
Med-Beds,WeatherEnergy,PhaseDocsSpiritWorkshop Q Letters Of Credit GrpCloaked Divine.No Recording Gold,Food,Water Cashiers Checks Teleport, OBE's
Hard-Soft Copy RedemptionCenterPhase Doc Q&A Exchange Rooms Buying Currency No Recording Blackout, Crypto NYC-Alice in W. Med-Bed, Symptoms
Jan. 14-2023 Jan. 18-2023 Jan. 21-2023 Jan. 25-2023 Jan. 28-2023 Feb. 1-2023 Feb. 4-2023 Feb. 8-2023 Feb. 11-2023
ReplicatorsJFK jr Internet, Trump NYupdate, Energy Internet, Banks RVupdate, Biden RVupdate, NYC Exchange Process Gold,Silver,QFS Safe-Link, 800's
Numerology Lobster Down Timelines, BofA WakingUp, 2X4 RJ-NY, Banks Markz, Projects MonoAtomicGoldVaccineCardsReno Language, 3d&5d
Gold-Silver Price Seals Open, 1111 Control, Qigong Trump, FoxNews Silver, Dumbs Money Attitude Replicators GuidesTurkey, Bail-ins Common Law
Collections Birth Mandela, Trust VisionBoard,CBD Appointments Dreams, Trusts WBGLogoMedBedAbilities, Malta AgroChequesBond QuestionsAnswers
Dec. 14-2022 Dec. 17-2022 Dec. 21-2022 Dec. 24-2022 Dec. 28-2022 Dec. 31-2022 Jan. 4-2023 Jan. 7-2023 Jan. 11-2023
No Items Phones, Silver Crypto's,GematriaGlasses, Projects RVupdate, Movie EnergyMeditation RVupdate, Moon RVupdate, Movie Airport shutdown
No Items Movies, Tribe, Oz Debt, Gesara, QR Biz Cards, Harrp Pelose, Comey Kazarians, Actors WakeUp,Jab,Harp Gitmo,Drugies CharlieWard-NDA
No Items Programming, Jab Tunnels, Event HarddrivesRJNY Vertical Farming Abuse, Atlantis FlatEarth, Flash Merkaba,Qigong Crypto, StarTrek-Jab
Dec. 10-2022 Dec. 7-2022 Dec. 3-2022 Nov. 30-2022 Nov. 26-2022 Nov. 23-2022 Nov. 19-2022 Nov. 16-2022 Nov. 12-2022
Grounding, QFS Community, Musk RV-Update,CryptoSkipTo-7MinMarkSkipTo-7MinMarkXmas&Tech-FlagsCensorship, 9/11 Trump, Ukraine RV Party, Love
Transgender,BoraxKenedys, Trump RJ-NY, Elections RV-Update ProjectDramashow-GitmoTurkey, Trump Holidays, FTX Hemp, Domes New Item
Gematria, Phones Tribunals, Movies Biden sHempBiden ElectionsHolidays Galactic, Truth Military, Doctors PlanningGematria New Item New Item
Nov. 9-2022 Nov. 5-2022 Nov. 2-2022 Oct. 29-2022 Oct. 26-2022 Oct. 22-2022 Oct. 19-2022 Oct. 15-2022 Oct. 12-2022
Election, Projects Trump, Courts Cards, Phases1-5 Ascent Symptom RV Update, Rates ContructCriticism Currency, Bonds PhaseDocs,Cards Spiritual Talk
Ivermectin,JFK jr. 3 Letter Debt.UBI Projects, 3d-5d SilverCurrentBondProjects, Cards Vibration,Heart TVStation,Shows 800Link, Projects WBG Progress
Health remedies Dr.License,Gesara Intent, VPN, Gold Security, Events RV Process,Aura Shanty projects Netflix, Satanic Music, Healing Groups, Cards-48
Oct. 8-2022 Oct. 5-2022 Oct. 1-2022 Sept. 28-2022 Sept. 24-2022 Sept. 21-2022 Sept. 17-2022 Sept. 7-2022 Sept. 3-2022
BizCards, VPN PhaseDocs,Cards Veterans , War RV Update Distilled H2O 1929 Review RV Update No WBG Call Not
Servant Leader Party, Projects Organic, Water RV Process RV Process, Eyes Template Alert Servant Leader To-day! Available
WBG History Metaphysical Project visions Currency Projects, 5D unity Consious Materialism
Aug. 31-2022 Aug. 27-2022 Aug. 24-2022 Aug. 20-2022 Aug. 17-2022 Aug. 13-2022 Aug. 10-2022 Aug. 6-2022 Aug. 3-2022
NEW ITEM AscentionSymptmIvermectin-CBD Projects Coins Ivermectin-Heche Projects RV ProcesTrump-Masks Info Hawii WBG Phases
NEW ITEM Spiritual-Process Biz Templates Silver UFO's Resorts-cabal Tesla Machines Birth Bonds-Trust Scare Event-Hair Healing Remedys
NEW ITEM Project-BizCards Cancer+Energies Grounding Sun IC-Chip-Projects PhasesHealersCBDChem Trails-Projct.WBG Ads Shills Vet Dr.&Animals
July 30-2022_A July 30-2022_B July 27-2022_A July 27-2022_B July 23-2022 July 20-2022 July 16-2022 July 13-2022_A July 13-2022-B
RVUpdate-NDA Air Traffic, Actors RVUpdate-NDA RVUpdate,Project Mail, Email BkupTrump, Food Bank Debt Calls Common Law RV Update
Exchanges-Project-3d to 5d Schools WBG Perk & Truckers-Trump BizCards-800's Proton, Money Projects, Process Lobster xlm xrp Ivermectin
Benefits+Perks Biz Cards Cryptos Benefits-Crypto's Electronic EMP H2O Drilling Projects Q&A blood Type, Iraq Silver-RV Update Astrology
July 9-2022 July 6-2022 July 2-2022 June 29-2022 June 25-2022 June 22-2022 June 18-2022 June 15-2022 NEW ITEM
Banking+Alexa RVupdate-CERN Sovereign-CERN RVupdate-Banks TrafficingElection RVupdateProject BioFeedBk Stock Market NEW ITEM
Projects+BizCardsGeorgiaGuideStonSCOTUS-Taxes ChurchesReligion Projects-Lobster Banks-ApathyFlagMed-Bed Tech PPN+Dumbs NEW ITEM
40+Companies5G Election Audit SleeperWhosWho Mail-Mcdonalds StockMarket Doctors-Church HyperbaricChambProjects-Galactics NEW ITEM
June 11-2022 June 8-2022 June 4-2022 June 1-2022 May 29-2022 May 25-2022 May 21-2022 May 18-2022 May 14-2022
Gold+ Trusts Post Office+EBS 90:10 MedBed Wealth Manager Lobster+Movies Government-9/11 Common Law Projects+Medbed Banks+Currency
ExchangesProjectsExchangesProjects2 - Trumps RVprocessProject Projects+Trusts Projects+Guns Projects+Medbed Common Law Trusts+Projects
Vertical Farming Digital Coins Projects (-48) Currency&Bonds Currency&Bonds Currency&Bonds Currency&Bonds Law of Attraction Emotion-Disease
May 11-2022 May 7-2022 May 4-2022 Apr. 30-2022 Apr. 27-2022 Apr. 23-2022 Apr. 20-2022 Apr. 16-2022 Apr. 13-2022
Bonds&Currency State-National e-signature+blood School Boards Cryptos-Bolivar CryptosAscentionCryptos-Bolivar Cryptos-Currency
Projects+Info Cryptos+Haarp projects sovereign Exchange Process Projects+History Common Law Project-Sherrie Project-Template Vaccines-Heath
Apr. 9-2022 Apr. 6-2022 Apr. 2-2022 Mar. 30-2022 Mar. 26-2022 Mar. 19-2022 Mar. 16-2022 Mar. 16-2022 Mar. 12-2022
Schools-Money Gematria-QFS Crypto+Currency Politics-Currency New Members Vertical Farming QFS & Banking New Item New Item
Natural Law Common Law Trusts Projects ET Disclosure Special Q & A Politics/Money Projects&NDA New Item New Item
Mar. 9-2022 Mar. 5-2022 Mar. 2-2022 Feb. 26-2022 Feb. 23-2022 Feb. 19-2022 Feb. 16-2022 Feb. 12-2022 Feb. 9-2022
Bonds/Currency Sherries Convoy Vertical Farming Now Available Hemp Info
Feb. 5-2022 Feb. 2-2022 Jan. 29-2022 Jan. 26-2022 Jan. 22-2022 Jan. 19-2022 Jan. 15-2022 Jan. 12-2022 Jan. 8-2022
Past Q&A Zoom Calls for Spiritual Talk (also see Phase Docs 1-5 for more spiritual talk included)
Feb. 26-2023 Mar. 5-2023 Mar. 12-2023 Mar. 19-2023 Mar. 26-2023 New Item New Item New Item New Item
Dec. 25-2022 Jan. 1-2023-None Jan. 8-2023 Jan. 15-2023-None Jan. 22-2023 Jan. 29-2023 Feb. 5-2023 Feb. 12-2023 Feb. 19-2023
Oct. 23-2022 Oct. 30-2022 Nov. 6-2022 Nov. 13-2022 Nov. 20-2022 Nov. 27-2022 Dec. 4-2022 Dec. 11-2022 Dec. 18-2022
Oct. 16-2022 None-10-9-2022 Oct. 2-2022 Sept. 25-2022 Sept. 18-2022 Sept. 2-2021 Aug. 29-2021 Aug. 16-2021 Aug. 8-2021